
Recommended budget percentages calculator
Recommended budget percentages calculator

recommended budget percentages calculator

The category in these guidelines that people will most commonly exceed is the Personal & Discretionary expense category. Don't rely on credit for these unexpected expenses. If finances aren't strained in your household, you can choose to be more relaxed and exceed the guidelines in areas as long as you're doing two things: 1) you're not spending more than you earn, and 2) you're allocating some money towards savings (savings are absolutely necessary for life's many unexpected expenses. These guidelines are designed for someone who really needs to put together a tight budget. Then you’ll have a little extra available when you need it.Įntertainment / recreation / tobacco/alcohol / eating out / gaming / hair cuts / hobbies Plan to save money for expenses that don’t occur every month, as well as for your future. Many people find that their budget is quite tight because their monthly debt payments are closer to 25% of their net income. Health care premiums / specialists / over-the-counter Phone / cell phone / gas / cable / internet Mortgage / taxes / strata / rent/ insurance / hydro

recommended budget percentages calculator

If you have expenses such as high debt payments, childcare, school expenses or giving, you will need to reduce your spending in other areas to accommodate these higher expenses.īreakdown of Cost of Living Budgeting Categoriesīus / taxi / fuel / insurance / maintenance / parking To use these budgeting guidelines, start by developing your budget with the money you have available after government deductions from your pay cheque, but before voluntary deductions like RRSPs, pensions or other savings. Based on your income, family circumstances, and the part of the country you live in, your allocations may be very different. Below are some guidelines to give you a general idea and provide you with a starting point for your budget. Many people often wonder how much of their income they should spend on their home, vehicle, groceries, clothes, etc. Budgeting Percentage Guidelines for Living Expenses | How Much to Budget for Cost of Living in Canada

Recommended budget percentages calculator