Now I am concerned that this list is not a full list. CASE WHEN TransType’20’ THEN SUM(T1.INQTY) ELSE ‘0’ END AS grpo,’0 aS Prodissue. I have found a thread with a provided list ( but it does not have TransType DR or AC (Fixed Asset entries).
If you assign an empty string to a variable that is not a varchar, the software issues. The software treats the value of the variable as a zero length string.

There are the two rules that regulate empty strings: Assigning an empty string to a variable of type varchar. So, the purpose of this post is share this information and create a knowledge base about object types. The software has specific rules for syntax with NULL values and empty strings. On the community there is a lot of questions about object types and many post with object types list,but always it seems incomplete. Buenas tardes, Por favor solicito su ayuda para crear un query similar al de Saldo de cuenta de Sap B1, a continuación un ejemplo de saldo de cuenta El campo con el cual necesito su ayuda es el de Saldo acumulado(ML). Today, I would like to share with the community a list of object types of SAP Business One. select t0.'transid', t0.'account', t0.'transtype', sum (coalesce (case when t0.'transtype' '15' then t0.'credit' end,t0.'credit')) as 'credit', sum (coalesce (case when t0.'transtype' '13' then t0.'debit' end,t0.'debit')) as 'debit', sum (coalesce (case when t0.'transtype' '13' then t0.'debit' end,t0. I have used SBO 2005 A PL 43 SP1 and have some queries below: SAP Business One uses abbreviations to designate transactions types. biuan SAP® BUSINESS ONE SDK: API OFDV / / Fixed Asset Items Service. WHERE TransType’20’ and t1.DocDate between D1 and D2 and. OFDV.TransType AS Transaction Type, OFDV.AcqCost AS Acquisition Production Cost, OFDV.Quantity AS Posted Quantity, OFDV.DprVal AS Depreciation Value, OFDV.NBV AS Net Book Value, OFDV. SAP Business One, version for SAP HANA: Bare Metal to Live System. Quisiera saber como Sap realiza ese calculo o si estos valores estan almacenados en alguna tabla. These abbreviations give a quick reference point to the user identifying the source of the transactions. TransType, CAST(T0.BASE_REF as char) AS BASE_REF, T0.Warehouse, T0.CardCode, T0.CardName, T0.xInQty, T0.xOutQty, T0.Price, T0.Currency, T1.ItemName, T1.SuppCatNum, CAST(T0.InvntAct as char) AS InvntAct, T2.AcctName, T0.StatusDescrįROM vwOINM_DEL0_02 T0 INNER JOIN OITM T1 ON T0.ItemCode = T1.ItemCode LEFT OUTER JOIN OACT T2 ON T0.InvntAct = T2.AcctCode Or Create SP Transaction Notification, you can paste this query into SQL Management Studio or HANA studio: -SQL VERSION- IF (transactiontype ‘A’ OR transactiontype ‘U’) AND objecttype ’30’ BEGIN IF EXISTS ( SELECT T0. TransType as TransType2, isnull (case when (select TransId from OJDT A where TransId in (select StornoToTr from OJDT) and A. TransId FROM OJDT T0 INNER JOIN JDT1 T1 ON T0.